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 1. John Taylor  Chinese civil rights campaigner beaten  Correspondents Report 
 2. WFIU  Civil Rights Act  WFIU Congressional Moments 
 3. Center on Congress  civil rights act  Congressional Moments Series 26 
 4. Center on Congress  civil rights act  Congressional Moments Series 26 
 5. Center on Congress  civil rights act  Congressional Moments Series 26 
 6. Center on Congress  civil rights act  Congressional Moments Series 26 
 7. Center on Congress  civil rights act  Congressional Moments Series 26 
 8. WFIU  Civil Rights Act  WFIU Congressional Moments 
 9. Center on Congress  civil rights act  Congressional Moments Series 26 
 10. Dave Mazza  Do we need a new civil rights unit?  Voices from the Edge 
 11. Warren Olney  Civil Rights and National Security  KCRW's To the Point 
 12. Bill Creata  Taiwan March for Civil Rights  Bill Creata 5 Minute Podcast 
 13. Thomas E. Woods, Jr.  Civil Rights and the Supreme Court  The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History: Lecture Series 
 14. Martin Luther King, Jr.  I Have a Dream - Address to Civil Rights Marchers   
 15. Martin Luther King, Jr.  I Have a Dream - Address to Civil Rights Marchers   
 16. Martin Luther King Jr.  Address to Civil Rights Marchers in Washington, DC  Great Speeches Of The 20th Century - Volume 3 - The Dreams, The Inspirations, The Accomplishments 
 17. Martin Luther King, Jr.  I Have a Dream - Address to Civil Rights Marchers   
 18. Martin Luther King Jr.  Address to Civil Rights Marchers in Washington, DC  Great Speeches Of The 20th Century - Volume 3 - The Dreams, The Inspirations, The Accomplishments 
 19. Martin Luther King, Jr.  I Have a Dream - Address to Civil Rights Marchers   
 20. Martin Luther King, Jr.  I Have a Dream - Address to Civil Rights Marchers   
 21. WHYY  Sheryll Cashin and her legacy of civil rights activism  Radio Times with Marty Moss-Coane 
 22. Andrew Hughes, Mike Smith, Jon Occhi, Joe Snider, Dave Pate, and Blake Clayton  Vertebreaker! Episode #0021 Civil Rights, Is She Dead, and It Burns?  Vertebreaker! 
 23. Martin Luther King, Jr.  King's I Have a Dream Address to Civil Rights Marchers (1963)   
 24. Gene S.  2184 Headlines - Ramada Hotel Civil Rights Violation  http://www.theshallowgenepool.com/podcast 2184.htm 
 25. Martin Luther King, Jr.  King's I Have a Dream Address to Civil Rights Marchers (1963)   
 26. Zackie Achmat  “Realizing Human Rights: Access to HIV/AIDS Medication and the Role of Civil Society in South Africa”  CHIASMOS: The University of Chicago International and Area Studies Multimedia Outreach Source [audio and video] 
 27. Neil Young  Campaigner     
 28. Bill Janovitz  The Campaigner  Cover of the Week 
 29. Neil Young  Campaigner  Decade [Disc 2]   
 30. Mitchell M. Gans, Bridget J. Crawford, Jonathan G. Blattmachr  Postmortem Rights of Publicity: The Federal Estate Tax Consequences of New State-Law Property Rights  Yale University 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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